Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
207 lines
Begin Form Password
Caption = "Form1"
ClientHeight = 2355
ClientLeft = 3180
ClientTop = 2580
ClientWidth = 4785
Height = 2760
Left = 3120
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 2355
ScaleWidth = 4785
Top = 2235
Width = 4905
Begin CommandButton Cancel
Caption = "Cancel"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 465
Left = 2790
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1665
Width = 1185
Begin CommandButton OK
Caption = "OK"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 465
Left = 1170
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1665
Width = 1005
Begin TextBox NewPassword2
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 420
Left = 2655
PasswordChar = "*"
TabIndex = 3
Text = "Text3"
Top = 1035
Width = 2040
Begin TextBox NewPassword
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 420
Left = 2655
PasswordChar = "*"
TabIndex = 2
Text = "Text2"
Top = 630
Width = 2040
Begin TextBox OldPassword
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 420
Left = 2655
PasswordChar = "*"
TabIndex = 1
Text = "Text1"
Top = 225
Width = 2040
Begin Label Label3
Caption = "New Password Retyped:"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 7
Top = 1035
Width = 2670
Begin Label Label2
Caption = "New Password:"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 180
TabIndex = 6
Top = 675
Width = 2760
Begin Label OldPasswordLabel
Caption = "Old Password:"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 180
TabIndex = 0
Top = 270
Width = 2715
Option Explicit
Sub Cancel_Click ()
Hide 'make form invisible
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
'clear fields
OldPassword.Text = ""
NewPassword.Text = ""
NewPassword2.Text = ""
'see if existing password
If Passwd = "" Then
OldPassword.Enabled = False
OldPasswordLabel.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub OK_Click ()
Dim temp As String
temp = OldPassword.Text
OldPassword.Text = UnCase(temp)
temp = NewPassword.Text
NewPassword.Text = UnCase(temp)
temp = NewPassword2.Text
NewPassword2.Text = UnCase(temp)
'1st verify old password
If Passwd <> OldPassword.Text Then
MsgBox "Old password incorrect", 48, "Change Password"
Exit Sub
End If
'double check new password
If NewPassword.Text <> NewPassword2.Text Then
MsgBox "New password failed retype verify", 48, "Change Password"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(NewPassword.Text) > NUMCHARS Then
MsgBox "New password too long" + Chr$(10) + "Maximum length " + Str$(NUMCHARS) + " chars", 48, "Change Password"
Exit Sub
End If
Passwd = NewPassword.Text
Unload Password 'unload form from memory
End Sub
Function UnCase (Text As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer
Dim outstr As String
'gets the unshifted ascii code for characters by
'converting each to a virtual key code and then
'converting back to ascii
outstr = ""
k = Len(Text)
For i = 1 To k
j = VkKeyScan(Asc(Mid$(Text, i, 1))) Mod 256 ' convert ascii to virtual key code
l = MapVirtualKey(j, 2) ' convert virtual key code to ascii
outstr = outstr + Chr$(l)
Next i
UnCase = outstr
End Function